Friday, September 13, 2024

Rumble Channel

 I have not posted much on YouTube lately, but I have been posting on Rumble.  Please check out my channel:

Maybe I will post a little more on my YouTube channel in the future:

Another Relapse

 When living with a genetic disorder, life is very precious.  We notice every little detail of our health, because it so drastically impacts the quality of life.  Just seven years ago, I was able to move around in a somewhat normal fashion.  Since then, my health has progressively deteriorated.  Nowadays, I wonder which day will be my last.

Here I am, awake at 03:14, awake for the past couple of hours.  I woke to spasms in my diaphragm, similar to hiccups, only they spasm multiple times in a row, or a constant spasm or cramp, that stops breathing.  It is amazing, how fast a person wakes up from a sound sleep, when you cannot breathe!  At the moment, I am waiting for the muscle relaxant to kick in.  My diaphragm is still cramping, but only a few seconds at a time, so I just wait to breathe, trying desperately not to panic.

There has only been a couple times in my life where my chest and/or diaphragm has cramped for so long that I have collapsed.  Fortunately, the cramp released in time for me to continue breathing, because I had no one to give me artificial respiration.  

I really did not expect my health to get this bad again.  It always happens when I cannot take care of myself.  As others with A1AD, I also need a proper diet, lifestyle, and medication to manage the genetic disorder, and when I cannot live that way, that is when this happens.  I realize I am being vaugue in my descriptions of what is happening with this genetic disorder.  Perhaps, within the next few days, I will be more specific, so others may learn about the difficulty of living with this disorder.

Friday, August 16, 2024

Sheep Escaped

 Yesterday, we heard someone calling from our gate, so  I drove down to see if I could find the guy.  We have a long driveway on the ranch, so it takes a few minutes.  When I got down to the gate, a neighbour pulled up and told me that some sheep were loose in his oat field, and that they had escaped where a couple trees fell across the fence.  He said he had chased them back, so that was good.  I told him that I would take a couple guys over there to make sure the sheep were out of his field, and resolve the situation.

As you can see, a couple trees from the neighbour's property fell down across our fence.  As the sheep came up to the fallen trees, they just crossed instead of trying to negotiate so many branches.  Myself and a few of our guys went and cleaned it up and put the fence back up.  Even though it was the neighbour's trees and his responsibility to clean it up and repair the fence, it is good to make peace.  

We also checked out the field of oats, but could only see the grass and hay at the edge of the field trampled.  We could not see signs of damage done to the oats.

As you can see, the oats are over to the left, and the damage is to the grass, weeds, and old hay around the edge of the field.  Now, this is not to say that a sheep did not go into the oats, it is only to say that this was what was visible to us.  Regardless, it is good to make peace.  At least the neighbour was civil.  We have had people come from the neighbour's property, cut our fences, trespass, threaten us, spread rumours, and steal our crop as well.  But this time, everyone was civil at least for now.