A picture of the old, and new, Borden Bridge. The bridge is a ways out of Borden, but it seemed to be a popular weekend spot with the locals. The southern sky reveals the weather I was headed toward. So far, the wind had been a kind traveling companion, but soon it would turn against me and I would be struggling to keep a decent pace.

Here is the nice sunny weather that I was leaving behind.

A view of the river from the old Borden Bridge. There were several people around, enjoying the weekend. Children running around, people fishing, etc. It was a nice spot to stop and spend the day, but I was on a mission.

After crossing back over to the south side of the North Saskatchewan River, there were a few nice views of the river valley.

A European style cottage down by the river.

It is not very often that I see the old rural mailboxes. A nice piece of history that is fading away.

The old rural mailboxes are being replaced by the new more efficient design.

Finally, at almost 300km later, I reached Saskatoon. Cycling through Saskatoon was a bit of a challenge. There are certain roads that bicycling is not permitted on and I had to wiggle my way through the city. The next time, I may contact the Saskatoon cycling club to find out if they have maps of bicycle routes through the city. One challenge was to find a bridge where cyclists were allowed to cross. Finally I asked a group of children and one of them told me where to find the old Victoria Bridge. Once across the South Saskatchewan River I made my way back to the Yellowhead and headed out of the city. It was getting late but I wanted to make up for getting turned around in the city. I did not stay on the road for long, as the sunlight quickly faded and a drunk driver was swerving all over the road and swerved way too close for comfort. I stopped in a little town called Clavett.
The first day my GPS recorded that I had covered only 315.81 km. I had a moving average of 22.7 km, and was moving for almost 14 hours, though I had stopped several times to stretch, walk a bit, and eat, etc.
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