As I had mentioned in my last post, it had been a couple of weeks since I have taken my medication and been on a proper schedule to keep the A1AD in check, and now I am paying the price for that. My lungs are stinging when I breathe, my muscles have been catabolized, the tendons in my joints feel like they are tearing just from bending them normally, my eyesight has gotten worse, my hearing has drastically decreased, and of course, my cognitive function has definitely diminished!
With this type of genetic disorder, relief does not come at a single dose of medicine, or one day of being back on an adjusted lifestyle and schedule. Healing and Recovery are cumulative, and come by many weeks and months of proper diet, medication, exercise and sleep! It is cumulative; it takes time. And it must be consistent. Any interruption, even missing one day, will set healing right back to the beginning!
So please, if you know of people suffering from genetic disorders, have patience, and do not get them off their Healing regiment!!!! Do everything you can to help them stay on their programme for Recovery, please!