Sadly, this will be the end of the canoeing season for me. My health is holding, but I have run out of funds for this year's adventure. I do plan on continuing my canoe trip across the province next spring. So I need to get back to work and save more money to fund the next stage of this adventure. Remember, any sled or book that I sell this year will go directly to the Alpha 1 Adventure For Life fund. So please pass this on to anyone who has dogs and might be interested in a dog sled or book. Lots of different breeds of dogs love skijoring and kicksledding, so don't worry if your dog is not a husky. Any dog can be a snow dog!
I will also be able to get back to updating my web site on a much more regular basis. I have a brand new litter of skijoring dogs that I will be training this winter. They are wonderful dogs, with wonderful attitudes. I will get to posting a few pictures of them later in the week, so keep an eye on my site
I will continue to post several more pictures of my canoeing expedition thus far. So come back and visit often, and don't forget to donate a few dollars to Alpha 1 Canada. Just click on the red leaf button on the right of this page. The only known cure for kids with Alpha 1 Antitrypsin Deficiency is a liver transplant, so lets all contribute and see if we can find a better cure.
Thanks Again to all my sponsors and supporters